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Digital Capture
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Fine art Cruse scans
One of our best tools for producing fine art reproductions ... Our huge Cruse synchron table scanner takes up a whole room, but can produce amazing digital copies from paintings, old photos, books, artifacts, quilts, clothing, circuit board, and more. Picture Element is one of the few places in the country that owns this amazing piece of equipment. It's high resolution, color matching, corner to corner sharpness, and texture capabilities rival the original. We provide fine art captures for many other companies. When comparing to other digital capturing systems, it's clear... There is no substitute!
Read more about our Cruse Scans..
Check out Pricing and file resolution capabilities of our Cruse Scanner...

Film scanning
We offer High resolution film scanning from 35mm up to 8x10 inch Film.

Creative Services
We have over 20 years of digital retouching and color experience, and no project is too difficult. We have also worked on many graphic design and tradeshow projects, and can help with any commercial jobs too. $180 hr.